

Hello, my name is Bobby Dino.

“If you’re going through hell,
keep going.”

-Winston Churchill

Have you ever known someone who seemed to learn everything the hard way? 

That was me, growing up. 

No father.  No direction. 

Only a matter of time before I took things too far.  

I was living a hedonistic lifestyle, consuming just about every substance in sight.  During one of my drug-fueled benders, I got involved in an altercation with someone, and ended up hurting an innocent bystander. 

I'd caused pain in a bunch of different people's lives, and I was about to pay the price for it.

From August, 2000, to January, 2010, I was incarcerated in California.  I went in as this dummy, directionless kid, who blamed everyone and everything else for his problems.

Now?  I’ve bought and sold multiple properties. Made a name for myself as a writer, speaker, and consultant. Living in a different country, and seeing the world.

Want to know how I did it? 

I'd be happy to share what I’ve discovered. Keep reading through my website, and discover some insights and epiphanies I had to learn, the hard way.

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